“Ruby Sniffer” as…
Cloned in a petri dish of magic crystal, this treasure-hunting tyke can smell gemstone lightyears away! Her puppy powers can summon twisters to soar into the air and drop a house on you with a click of the feet
“Screamshaver” As…
Designed to be the ultimate electric razor, this barber-ous automaton allures the ears with four-part harmonies. It can arm an entire Swiss Army with the interchanging gizmos up its bloody sleeves.
“Proto Bird” As…
As the common ancestor of all birds, she is the oldest member of the cast. You’d hope this might make her wise, but this birdbrain’s wound up a little cuckoo.
“Sweetpea” As…
This soil princess carries the power of life at her fingertips. Her hair braids up into seven magic fruits with a hungry pie-trap at the end.
The King of Hearts, Lancelot, joins the ranks in Royalty Free-For-All. Sporting a gold suit of armor and beautiful long hair, he appears to be the worthiest knight o’round.
This little mermaid brings maritime mayhem to the fray as she swims through the air on her seafoam bubble! Hold her weak attack in the air to stay aflate and bounce around on land.
…and many more!